About me

Belonging to a beautiful and diverse country - India, growing up in a boarding school and being out of my comfort zone form the age of eight - I have never been averse to risk. From trying my hand at engineering to humanities, I found my raison d'etre upon my tryst with finance and statistics. Therefore, in order to fullfil my personal and professional goals in the field of financial analytics, I have gained rudimentary knowledge in the field of finanace, statistics, business analytics, and management (as seen in my reaesrch and analytics blogs) and wish to practically apply it in my workspace. Note - attached above is the picture of Taj Mahal (India); one of the seven wonders of the world).

Testing for feasibility of blockchian for logistic companies

In an All-India case study competition, we were asked to check for the feasibility (via cost-benefit analysis) of block chain in any industry of choice. Therefore, after choosing the logistic sector (as it needs the most amount of coordination), the research was narrowed down to IBM and Maersk. Post performing the analysis, it was concluded that since the cost will decrease by USD 16 billion and the revenue will increase by USD 42 billion in the coming seven years (the initial investment being USD 1.34 billion), block chain can be applied.

Using target banking to find new saving account holders

A data analysis on whether banks should use target adverisment to attract only the profitable customers. Therfore, we performed a cost-benefit analysis to see if a reduction in advertisment costs will lead to an increased profitability in the short as well as long term. This analysis subsumed cleaning, EDA, analysis, decription, and inferences of data (over 70 banks in India).

EDA and Data Analysis

In the second group project (assigned at London Business School) - tidyverse, hypothesis testing, and ggplot functtions have been used to gauge multiple datasets and present the concievable inferences. Kindly have a look at the blog for codes, graphs, drafted hypothesis, and inferences.

Research Papers and Articles

Some of my research papers and published articles on finance and social studies are provided with abstracts and links to download the PDF version. The topics of cognitive capture or RTI are now relevant more than ever, as the pandemic left a huge scope for information asymetry and unavowed corruption. While it is not just the state but also the financial and media sector that tend to get capured (not always consciously), full information can be found on the link attached in the blog.

Dplyr, tidyverse, ggplot, and t-test (using bootstrap).

In a group project (assigned at London Business School), the visual analysis and hypothesis testing were performed for the datasets - Youth rish behaviour surveillance, IMDB ratings of directors, Pay discrimination (Omgea group), and BREXIT data. Please find the codes, graphs, t-test results, stated hypothesis, and the inferences in the blog.